Currently, about a dozen special sessions have been proposed and are in progress. Anyone interested in organizing a special session can contact the chair by e-mail.
To propose, please fill out the special session proposal form.docx and send it to the chair.
Name of Special Sessions and Primary Organizer (Tentative)
Memorial Session for Jason Reese (Y. Zhang, U. Edinburgh)
Memorial Session for Bill Rich I (S. Macheret, Purdue U.)
Memorial Session for Bill Rich II (S. Macheret, Purdue U.)
Nanoscale Transport Phenomena at Interfaces I (B.H. Kim, Ulsan U.)
Nanoscale Transport Phenomena at Interfaces II (B.H. Kim, Ulsan U.)
Rarefied Flows in Porous Media I (I. Martin, Polytech Marseille)
Rarefied Flows in Porous Media II (I. Martin, Polytech Marseille)
Bulk Viscosity and Relaxation Processes (E. Kustova, Saint Petersburg State U.)
Boltzmann Equation and BGK Models: Theory and Numerics (S.B. Yoon, Sungkyunkwan U.)
Recent Advances on Emergent Behaviors and Collective Dynamics (S.B. Yun, SungKyunKwan U.)
Rarefied Gases in Nuclear Fusion (V. Maes, KU Leuven)
DSMC/Massive Parallelization/Future Directions (D. Levin, UIUC) (In Preparation)
Electric Propulsion I (E.J. Jun, KAIST) (In Preparation)
Electric Propulsion II (E.J. Jun, KAIST) (In Preparation)
Dust in Lunar Exploration (J. H. Park, Gyeongsang Nation U.) (In Preparation)
Hypersonic Flows I (G. Park, KAIST) (In Preparation)
Hypersonic Flows II (G. Park, KAIST) (In Preparation)